--- Articouple K can assure a superexcellent seaworthiness equivalent to that of ordinary cargo ships even in ocean services. The models can be selected to comply with any severe sea states.
--- Articouple K can connect the pusher to the barge, without previously adjusting the draught, practically at any point within the whole range of change of draught relationship.
--- Articouple K is a self-aligning coupler which can swallow all the adverse influences of misalignments inevitable in normal shipbuilding practice.
--- For connection and disconnection, Articouple K is remote-controlled by the captain's finger-tip from the bridge and, accordingly, no muscle work is needed. These functions need about 30 - 45 seconds only.
--- Connection and disconnection works are made from the pusher only and the crew members have no need of going over to the barge
before connection.
--- Relative pitching between the pusher and the barge is left perfectly free, while other relative motions are perfectly stopped. The crew on board are free from shocks, vibrations and noises during connected navigation.
--- Connection by Articouple K can take place without difficulty even when a slight relative heel is found between the pusher and barge.
--- Articouple K contains practically no wearing parts needing periodical replacement.
--- When converting a harbour tug to a pusher by addition of a deck-mountable Articouple KD-coupler, the coupler main bodies installed at deck sides just abaft the windlass will not cause any change of the bow contour nor project beyond it so that the function of the boat as a tug can be maintained even after conversion.